Rental Housing Registration and Inspection Program
October 1, 2012
Summary of Program Elements
• Registration required for all rental housing units, from single family houses to large apartments; exceptions include
o Shortâ€term vacation rentals
o Commercial lodging such as hotels, motels and B&Bs
o Housing units in state licensed facilities like assisted living, adult family homes or veterans homes
o Hospitals and hospices
o Emergency or temporary shelters or transitional housing
o Facilities owned by or managed for Major Institutions
o Housing units in a religious facility occupied by members of the religious order
o Housing units, owned by a government entity or housing authority, like SHA
• Inspections apply to all registered rental housing units, except those receiving public subsidies that are already subject to regular inspections, those getting regular inspections from their lending institution, and accessory dwelling units if occupied by an immediate family member of the resident home owner
• The following schedule applies for the registration requirement:
o By July 1, 2014, all properties with 10 or more rental housing units
o By December 31, 2014, all properties with 5 to 9 rental housing units
o By December 31, 2016, all properties with 1 to 4 rental housing units
• Each registration must include a sworn statement that the rental housing units meet specified subset of the health and safety standards called for in Seattle’s housing code
• Registrations must be renewed every five years
• All registered properties will be inspected within the first ten years of the program
• Rental properties subject to this program that have had two or more Notices of Violation or one or more Emergency Orders issued within a two year period will be inspected within the first year of the program
• Five years after its first required inspection, properties are subject to re-inspection